Changes to PCF commands and responses
- We can now use PCFs to administer WebSphere MQ objects on z/OS. Most PCF commands have been extended so that they are available on z/OS. A number of new commands that are specific to z/OS are now available in PCF. Information about the extended response types introduced as a result of PCF being made available on z/OS is also provided in <xref refid="useres">.
- A number of commands are introduced, on platforms other than z/OS, to control certain queue manager service tasks such as channel listeners.
- A number of commands are introduced, on platforms other than z/OS, to permit the administration of object authorities.
- On platforms other than z/OS, a command, Inquire Authority Service, and response, Inquire Authority Service (Response) are introduced to return information about the level of function supported by installed authority managers
- A command, Inquire Connection, and response, Inquire Connection (Response) are introduced to return connection information about the applications connected to the queue manager. This enables you to identify applications with long-running units of work.
- A command, Stop Connection, is introduced to break a connection between an application and the queue manager.
- On platforms other than z/OS, a command, Inquire Queue Manager Status, and response, Inquire Queue Manager (Response) are introduced to display status information about the queue manager
- On a number of Inquire commands, we can now specify a filter condition to return information only about those objects which satisfy the filter condition. The PCF structures MQCFBF, MQCFIF, MQCFSF are introduced to facilitate this.
- On the Inquire Queue Manager command, we can now choose to return different sets of queue manager parameters. The parameters are MQIACF_Q_MGR_SYSTEM, MQIACF_Q_MGR_EVENT, MQIACF_Q_MGR_DQM, and MQIACF_Q_MGR_CLUSTER. They permit the return of the following groups of parameters:
- MQIACF_Q_MGR_SYSTEM - displays queue manager system parameters
- MQIACF_Q_MGR_EVENT - displays the set of parameters that are related to event control
- MQIACF_Q_MGR_DQM - displays the set of parameters relating to distributed queuing
- MQIACF_Q_MGR_CLUSTER - displays the set of parameters relating to clustering
- System queue, SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ROUTE.QUEUE is now available to which trace-route records are written. A queue manager parameter, TraceRouteRecording, is introduced to control whether such messages are generated, and where they are written. The Change Queue Manager, Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
- System queue, SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACTIVITY.QUEUE is now available to which activity reports are written. A new queue manager parameter, ActivityRecording, is introduced to control whether such messages are generated, and where they are written. The Change Queue Manager, Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
- Parameters are introduced to improve cluster workload management. These are:
- CLWLMRUChannels - the maximum number of outbound cluster channels
- CLWLUseQ- specifies the behavior of an MQPUT operation when the target queue has a local instance and at least one remote cluster instance
on the queue manager definition,
- CLWLChannelPriority - the priority of the channel
- CLWLChannelRank - the rank of the channel
- CLWLChannelWeight - the weighting to be applied to the channel
on the channel definition, and
- CLWLQueuePriority - the priority of the queue
- CLWLQueueRank - the rank of the queue
on the queue definition.
The Change, Copy and Create Channel, Change, Copy, and Create Queue, Change Queue Manager, Inquire Channel, Inquire Queue, Inquire Queue Manager commands and responses Inquire Channel (Response), Inquire Queue (Response), Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
- Accounting data can now be collected for local and model queues. A queue manager parameter is introduced, QueueAccounting, to control the collection of accounting data for queues. The Change Queue Manager and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
A queue parameter is introduced, QueueAccounting, to control the collection of accounting data for queues on an individual queue basis. The Change, Copy, Create Queue and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue (Response) have been updated.
- Monitoring data can now be collected and displayed for channels and queues. The following queue manager parameters are introduced:
- ChannelMonitoring - controls the collection of online monitoring data for channels
- ClusterSenderMonitoringDefault - controls the collection of online monitoring data for auto-defined cluster-sender channels
- QueueMonitoring - controls the collection of online monitoring data for queues
The Change Queue Manager and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
The channel parameter, ChannelMonitoring, is introduced to specify the level of online monitoring data collection for channels on an individual channel basis. The Change, Copy, and Create Channel and Inquire Channel commands, and Inquire Channel (Response) have been updated.
The queue parameter, QueueMonitoring, is introduced to specify the level of online monitoring data collection for queues on an individual queue basis. The Change, Copy, and Create Queue and Inquire Queue commands, and Inquire Queue (Response) have been updated.
A number of parameters are introduced on the Inquire Channel Status command and Inquire Channel Status (Response) to return information relating to message activity on the channel. These are:
- BatchSizeIndicator - the size of the batches transmitted over the channel
- ChannelMonitoring - the current level of monitoring data collection for the channel
- ExitTime- the time, displayed in microseconds, spent processing user exits per message
- MessagesAvailable - the number of messages queued on the transmission queue available to the channel for MQGETs
- NetTime - the time to send a request to the remote end of the channel and receive a response
- Substate - the action currently being performed by the channel
- XQTime - the time that messages remained on the transmission queue before being retrieved
We can specify any of these individually or we can select them all by using the MQIACF_MONITORING parameter on the command.
A number of parameters are introduced on the Inquire Queue Status command and Inquire Queue Status (Response) to return information relating to message activity on the queue. These are
- LastGetDate - the date on which the last message was retrieved from the queue since the queue manager started
- LastGetTime - the time at which the last message was retrieved from the queue since the queue manager started
- LastPutDate - the date on which the last message was put to the queue since the queue manager started
- LastPutTime - the time at which the last message was put to the queue since the queue manager started
- QueueMonitoring - the current level of monitoring data collection for the queue
- OldestMsgAge - the age, in seconds, of the oldest message on the queue
- OnQTime - the interval between messages being put on the queue and then being destructively read
We can specify any of these individually or we can select them all by using the MQIACF_MONITORING parameter on the command.
- On platforms other than z/OS, accounting statistics data can now be collected and displayed for channels and queues. The following queue manager parameters are introduced:
- AccountingConnOverride - whether applications can override the settings of the ACCTQ and ACCTMQI queue manager parameters
- AccountingInterval - the time interval at which intermediate accounting records are written
- ChannelStatistics - whether statistics data is to be collected for channels
- ClusterSenderStatistics - whether statistics data is to be collected for auto-defined cluster-sender channels
- MQIAccounting - whether accounting information for MQI data is to be collected
- MQIStatistics - whether MQI statistics monitoring data is to be collected for the queue manager
- QueueStatistics - whether statistics data is to be collected for queues
- StatisticsInterval - the time interval at which statistics monitoring data is written to the monitoring queue
The Change Queue Manager and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
The channel parameter, ChannelStatistics, is introduced to specify the level of online statistics data collection for channels on an individual channel basis. The Change, Copy, and Create Channel and Inquire Channel commands, and Inquire Channel (Response) have been updated.
The queue parameter, QueueStatistics, is introduced to specify the level of online statistics data collection for queues on an individual queue basis. The Change, Copy, and Create Queue and Inquire Queue commands, and Inquire Queue (Response) have been updated.
- Queue manager parameter, ChannelEvent, is introduced to control the generation of channel events. The Change Queue Manager and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
- Queue manager parameter, IPaddressVersion, is introduced to allow you to specify which IP protocol to use for a channel connection; IPv4 or IPv6. The Change Queue Manager and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
- On platforms other than z/OS, a queue manager parameter, LoggerEvent, is introduced to specify whether recovery log events are generated. The Change Queue Manager and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated. On the Inquire Queue Status command and Inquire Queue Status (Response), parameter MediaRecoveryLogExtent is introduced to display the log extent or the journal receiver needed for media recovery of the queue.
- Queue manager parameter, SSLEvent, is introduced to control the generation of SSL events. The Change Queue Manager and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
- On UNIX and Windows platforms, a queue manager parameter, SSLFIPSRequired, is introduced to specify whether only FIPS-certified algorithms are to be used if cryptography is carried out. The Change Queue Manager and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated. The 'CipherSpecs' table in the Change, Copy, and Create Channel command description has been updated to reflect this function.
- Queue manager parameter,SSLKeyReset, is introduced to specify the number of unencrypted bytes sent and received within an SSL conversation before the secret key is renegotiated. The Change Queue Manager and Inquire Queue Manager commands, and Inquire Queue Manager (Response) have been updated.
- Compression of channel data is now possible. This reduces the amount of network traffic and can therefore improve the performance of channels. Parameters HeaderCompression and MessageCompression are introduced on the channel definition to enable this. The Change, Copy, and Create Channel, Inquire Channel, Inquire Cluster Queue Manager, Display Channel Status commands and Inquire Channel (Response), Inquire Cluster Queue Manager (Response) and Inquire Channel Status (Response) have been updated.
Parameters CompressionRate and CompressionTime are introduced on the Inquire Channel Status command and Inquire Channel Status (Response) to display the compression rate achieved and the amount of time per message spent during compression.
- The message retry parameters MessageRetryUserData, MessageRetryExit,MessageRetryCount, and MessageRetryInterval have been extended to include z/OS. This means that transient PUT failures in the message channel agent can be retried on this platform. The Change, Copy, and Create Channel and Inquire Channel commands and Inquire Channel (Response) have been updated.
- The HeartbeatInterval parameter has been extended to include z/OS on server-connection and client-connection channels meaning that the server message channel agent can handle situations where the client connection fails during an MQGET with WAIT on this platform. The Change, Copy, and Create Channel and Inquire Channel commands and Inquire Channel (Response) have been updated
- Parameters SSLKeyResetDate, SSLKeyResetTime, and SSLKeyResets are introduced to display the date and time of the previous successful key reset, and the number of successful key resets since channel start. The Inquire Channel Status command and Inquire Channel Status (Response) have been updated.
- The following parameters are also now available on the Inquire Channel Status command and Inquire Channel Status (Response):
- KeepAliveInterval - the KeepAlive interval (on z/OS only)
- MCAUserIdentifier - the message channel agent user identifier
- RemoteApplTag - the remote partner application
- SSLCertRemoteIssuerName - the full Distinguished name of the issuer of a remote certificate
- SSLCertUserId - the local user identifier associated with a remote certificate (on z/OS only)
- <li>On platforms other than z/OS, we can now set the reliability to be assigned to non-persistent messages put to local and model queues by using the NonPersistentMessageClass parameter. The Change, Copy, and Create Queue and Inquire Queue commands, and Inquire Queue (Response) have been updated
- The Refresh Security command now has a parameter, Securitytype, to specify which type of refresh is to be performed.
- UDP support is withdrawn.
Parent topic:
Changes for the previous edition (SC34-6598-00)