reply-to model, queues, system-command reply-to model queue, system-command reply-to model" /> Defining a reply-to queue


Defining a reply-to queue

You must define a reply-to queue to receive reply messages from the WebSphere MQ command processor. It can be any queue whose attributes allow reply messages to be put on it. However, for normal operation, specify these attributes:

You should not normally use persistent messages for commands, but if you choose to do so, the reply-to queue must not be a temporary dynamic queue.

The supplied CSQINP2 initialization data set, thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4INSG), contains a definition for a model queue called SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL. We can use this model to create a dynamic reply-to queue.

Replies generated by the command processor can be up to 15 000 bytes in length.