Keywords and parameters


Names a log data set.

dsname can be up to 44 characters long.


Assigns a password to the data set. It is stored in the BSDS and subsequently used in any access to the active or archive log data sets.

The password is a data set password, and should follow standard VSAM convention: 1 through 8 alphanumeric characters (A through Z, 0 through 9) or special characters (& * + - . ; ' /).

We recommend that you use an ESM such as RACF to provide your data set security requirements.


Makes the data set an active log copy-1 data set.


Makes the data set an active log copy-2 data set.


Gives the log RBA (relative byte address within the log) of the beginning of the replacement active log data set or the archive log data set volume specified by DSNAME.

startrba is a hexadecimal number of up to 12 characters. The value must end with 000. If you use fewer than 12 characters, leading zeros are added. The RBA can be obtained from messages or by printing the log map.


Gives the log RBA (relative byte address within the log) of the end of the replacement active log data set or the archive log data set volume specified by DSNAME.

endrba is a hexadecimal number of up to 12 characters. The value must end with FFF. If you use fewer than 12 characters, leading zeros are added.


Start time of the RBA in the BSDS. This is an optional field. The time stamp format (with valid values in parentheses) is

yyyydddhhmmsst, where:


Indicates the year (1993 through 2099)


Indicates the day of the year (1 through 365; 366 in leap years)


Indicates the hour (zero through 23)


Indicates the minutes (zero through 59)


Indicates the seconds (zero through 59)


Indicates tenths of a second

If fewer than 14 digits are specified for the STARTIME and ENDTIME parameter, trailing zeros are added.

STARTRBA is required when STARTIME is specified.


End time of the RBA in the BSDS. This is an optional field. For time stamp format, see the STARTIME option. The ENDTIME value must be greater than or equal to the value of STARTIME.


Gives the LRSN (logical record sequence number) of the first complete log record on the new archive data set.

strtlrsn is a hexadecimal number of up to 12 characters. If you use fewer than 12 characters, leading zeros are added.


Gives the LRSN (logical record sequence number) of the last last log record on the new archive data set.

endlrsn is a hexadecimal number of up to 12 characters. If you use fewer than 12 characters, leading zeros are added.


The volume serial of the copy-1 archive log data set named after DSNAME.


The volume serial of the copy-2 archive log data set named after DSNAME.


The device type of the archive log data set named after DSNAME.


Specifies whether the archive log data set is cataloged:


The archive log data set is not cataloged. All subsequent allocations of the data set are made using the unit and volume information specified on the function. This is the default.


The archive log data set is cataloged. A flag is set in the BSDS indicating this, and all subsequent allocations of the data set are made using the catalog.

WebSphere MQ requires that all archive log data sets on DASD be cataloged. Select CATALOG=YES if the archive log data set is on DASD.