Keywords and parameters


Specifies that messages in the named queue are to be copied. The keyword QUEUE can be abbreviated to Q.

q-name specifies the name of the queue to be copied. This name is case-sensitive.


Specifies that all the messages in all the queues in the specified page set are to be copied.

psid-number is the page set identifier, which specifies the page set to be used. This identifier is a two-digit integer (whole number) representing a single page set.


Specifies whether to copy dynamic queues:


Copy all queues; this is the default.


Do not include dynamic queues; this is the same set of queues that are selected by the COMMAND and SDEFS functions with the MAKEDEF parameter.


Specifies that the messages are to be copied to a named data set. If this keyword is omitted, the default DDname, CSQUOUT, is used. The keyword DDname can be abbreviated to DD.

ddname specifies the DDname of the destination data set, which is used to store the messages. The record format of this data set must be variable block spanned (VBS).