Usage notes

  1. The rules for specifying commands in the input data set are the same as for the initialization data sets:

    • The data set must have a record length of 80.

    • Only columns 1 through 72 are significant. Columns 73 through 80 are ignored.

    • Records with an asterisk (*) in column 1 are interpreted as comments and are ignored.

    • Blank records are ignored.

    • Each command must start on a new record.

    • A trailing - means continue from column 1 of the next record.

    • A trailing + means continue from the first non-blank column of the next record.

    • The maximum number of characters permitted in a command is 32 762.

    With the additional rule:

    • A semicolon (;) can be used to terminate a command; the remaining data in the record is ignored.

    See the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference manual for more information about the rules for building WebSphere MQ commands.

  2. If you specify the MAKEDEF keyword:

    • In the input data set, the DISPLAY commands for objects must contain the ALL parameter so that the complete definition of each object is produced. See Figure 58.

    • To obtain a complete definition, DISPLAY the following:

      DEFINE commands are not generated for any local queues that can be identified as dynamic, or for channels that were defined automatically.

    • Do not specify the same MAKEDEF data set for more than one COMMAND function, unless its DD statement specifies a sequential data set with DISP=MOD.

  3. If you specify the MAKEREP, MAKEALT, or MAKEDEL keywords:

    • In the input data set, include DISPLAY commands that select the set of objects for which you want to generate commands.

    • For MAKEREP and MAKEALT, the data (if any) from the data set specified by the DATA keyword is appended to each generated command, exactly as entered. The format of the data set and the rules for specifying command data are the same as for the command input data set. Because the same data is appended to each command, if you want to process several sets of objects, you will need to use several separate COMMAND functions, each with a different DATA data set.

    • Commands are not generated for channels that were defined automatically.

  4. If you specify the MAKEDEF, MAKEREP, MAKEALT, or MAKEDEL keywords, commands are generated only for objects reported by the target queue manager (as specified by the TGTQMGR keyword or defaulted), even if CMDSCOPE is used in the DISPLAY commands. To generate commands for several queue managers in a queue-sharing group, use a separate COMMAND function for each.

    In a queue-sharing group, queues, processes, channels, storage classes and authentication information objects should each have two DISPLAY commands, one with QSGDISP(QMGR) and one with QSGDISP(GROUP). Queues should have a third with QSGDISP(SHARED). It is not necessary to specify QSGDISP(COPY) because the required commands will be generated automatically when the commands for objects with QSGDISP(GROUP) are issued.

  5. Do not specify the same MAKEDEF, MAKEREP, MAKEALT, or MAKEDEL data set for more than one COMMAND function, unless its DD statement specifies a sequential data set with DISP=MOD.

  6. If you specify the MAKECLNT keyword:

    • In the input data set, the display commands for channels and authentication information objects must contain the ALL parameter so that the complete definition of each channel and authentication information object is produced.

    • If the DISPLAY commands return information for a given channel more than once, only the last set of information is used.

    • Do not specify the same client definition file data set for more than one COMMAND function, unless its DD statement specifies a sequential data set with DISP=MOD.

  7. The results of DISPLAY commands used in conjunction with MAKEDEF, MAKEREP, MAKEALT, MAKEDEL or MAKECLNT are also sent to SYSPRINT.

  8. If you specify the FAILURE keyword, a command is determined to be a success or failure according to the codes returned in message CSQN205I. If the return code is 00000000 and the reason code is 00000000 or 00000004, it is a success; for all other values it is a failure.

  9. The COMMAND function is determined to be a success only if both:

    • All the commands in the input data set are read and issued and get a response from WebSphere MQ, regardless of whether the response indicates successful execution of the command or not.

    • Every command issued executes successfully, if FAILURE(CONTINUE) or FAILURE(STOP) is specified.

    If COMMAND fails, no further CSQUTIL functions are attempted.

  10. You need the necessary authority to use command server queues (SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT, SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL, and SYSTEM.CSQUTIL.*) and to use the WebSphere MQ commands that you want to issue.