shutting down a WebSphere MQ-CICS connection, forced shutdown, quiesced shutdown" /> Shutting down a connection between WebSphere MQ and the CICS adapter


Shutting down a connection between WebSphere MQ and the CICS adapter

We can shut down a connection between WebSphere MQ and the CICS adapter by using the CKQC transaction or an application program. There are two types of shutdown:

Other forms of connection shutdown result from a termination of CICS or the queue manager. Table 3 summarizes how the adapter handles different forms of connection shutdown.

Table 3. Shutting down a CICS adapter connection
Method of shutdown How this is handled by the adapter
CKQC STOP (A quiesced shutdown) Mark the status of the adapter as Quiescing. Allow both active and waiting tasks to complete. Allow syncpoint. Do not allow calls from a new task. The last task initiates disconnection from WebSphere MQ.
CKQC STOP FORCE Mark the status of the adapter as StoppingForce. Disconnect from WebSphere MQ. Resume waiting tasks. Fail any in-flight or following MQI calls.
CICS warm shutdown Issue message CSQC411I. Initiate a quiesced shutdown of the connection; see CKQC STOP, above.
CICS immediate shutdown Issue message CSQC410I. Any in-flight tasks using WebSphere MQ are backed out.
CICS abend Issue message CSQC412I.
WebSphere MQ quiesced Initiate a quiesced shutdown of the connection; see CKQC STOP, above.
WebSphere MQ abend or forced shutdown Initiate a forced shutdown of connection; see CKQC STOP FORCE, above.

  1. If the connection is not active (for example, quiesced) when CICS or the queue manager shuts down, no action is taken and no messages are issued.

  2. "Waiting tasks" includes instances of CKTI, which stop before shutdown completes.