Using the CSQINPX sample
Sample thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4INPX) contains a set of commands that you might want to execute each time the channel initiator starts. These are typically channel-related commands such as START LISTENER, which are required every time the channel initiator starts, rather than whenever the queue manager starts, and which are not allowed in the input data sets CSQINP1 or CSQINP2. You must customize this sample before use; we can then include it in the CSQINPX data set for the channel initiator.
The WebSphere MQ commands contained in the data set are executed at the end of channel initiator initialization, and output is written to the data set specified by the CSQOUTX DD statement. The output is similar to that produced by the COMMAND function of the WebSphere MQ utility program (CSQUTIL). See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide for information about the WebSphere MQ utility program.
We can specify any of the WebSphere MQ commands that can be issued from CSQUTIL, not only the channel commands. We can enter commands from other sources while CSQINPX is being processed. All commands are issued in sequence, regardless of the success of the previous command.
To specify a command response time, we can use the pseudo-command COMMAND as the first command in the data set. This takes a single optional keyword RESPTIME(nnn), where nnn is the time, in seconds, to wait for a response to each command. This is in the range 5 through 999; the default is 30.
If WebSphere MQ detects that the responses to four commands have taken too long, processing of CSQINPX is stopped and no further commands are issued. The channel initiator is not stopped, but message CSQU052E is written to the CSQOUTX data set, and message CSQU013E is sent to the console.
When WebSphere MQ has completed processing of CSQINPX successfully, message CSQU012I is sent to the console.