Using the CSQINP1 sample

Data set thlqual.SCSQPROC holds two members which contain definitions of buffer pools, page set to buffer pool associations, and an ALTER SECURITY command. Member CSQ4INP1 uses one page set for each class of message, member CSQ4INPR uses multiple page sets for the major classes of message. The appropriate sample should be included in the CSQINP1 concatenation of your queue manager started task procedure.


  1. WebSphere MQ supports up to 16 buffer pools (zero through 15). The DEFINE BUFFPOOL command can only be issued from a CSQINP1 initialization data set. The definitions in the sample specify four buffer pools.

  2. Each page set used by the queue manager must be defined in the CSQINP1 initialization data set by using the DEFINE PSID command. The page set definition associates a buffer pool ID with a page set. If no buffer pool is specified, buffer pool zero is used by default.

    Page set zero (00) must be defined. It contains all the object definitions. We can define up to 100 page sets for each queue manager.

  3. The ALTER SECURITY command can be used to alter the security attributes TIMEOUT and INTERVAL. In CSQ4INP1, the default values are defined as 54 for TIMEOUT and 12 for INTERVAL.

See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide for information about organizing buffer pools and page sets.

The buffer pool and page set definitions must be defined each time the queue manager is started. If you change them dynamically while the queue manager is running you should also update the CSQINP1 definitions so that the changes are retained when the queue manager is restarted.