Task 1: Identify the z/OS system parameters



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You need to perform this task once for each z/OS system where you want to run WebSphere MQ.

You might need to perform this task when migrating from a previous version.

Some of the tasks involve updating the z/OS system parameters. You need to know which ones were specified when the system IPL was performed...


...contains a list of parameters that point to other members of SYS1.PARMLIB, where pp represents the z/OS system parameter list that was used to IPL the system.

The entries we need to find are:

For Task 2: APF authorize the WebSphere MQ load libraries:

PROG=xx or APF=aa point to the Authorized Program Facility (APF) authorized library list (member PROGxx or IEFAPFaa)

For Task 3: Update the z/OS link list and LPA:

LNK=kk points to the link list (member LNKLSTkk)
LPA=mm points to the LPA list (member LPALSTmm)

For Task 4: Update the z/OS program properties table:

SCH=xx points to the Program Properties Table (PPT) (member SCHEDxx)

For Task 5: Define the WebSphere MQ subsystem to z/OS:

SSN=ss points to the defined subsystem list (member IEFSSNss)