Sysplex considerations



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In a sysplex a number of z/OS operating system images collaborate in a single system image and communicate using a Coupling Facility. WebSphere MQ can use the facilities of the sysplex environment for enhanced availability.

Removing the affinities between a queue manager and a particular z/OS image allows a queue manager to be restarted on a different z/OS image in the event of an image failure. The restart mechanism can be manual, use ARM, or use system automation, if you ensure the following:

For more information about using TCP in a sysplex, see Redbook: TCP/IP in a sysplex, SG24-5235.

We can additionally configure multiple queue managers running on different operating system images in a sysplex to operate as a queue-sharing group, which can take advantage of shared queues and shared channels for higher availability and workload balancing.