object definitions, client channel definition files, create, copy, queues, copy a queue, page sets, copy a page set, empty, empty a queue, format, format a page set, load messages, load messages on a queue, extract information, extract information from a page set, reset the log after copying, reset the log after copying a page set" />
The CSQUTIL utility
The CSQUTIL utility program is provided with WebSphere MQ for z/OS to help you perform backup, restoration, and reorganization tasks, and to issue commands and process object definitions. Through this utility program, we can invoke the following functions:
- To issue MQSC commands, to record object definitions, and to make client-channel definition files.
- To read the contents of a named WebSphere MQ for z/OS message queue or the contents of all the queues of a named page set, and put them into a sequential file and retain the original queue.
- To copy whole page sets to larger page sets.
- To delete the contents of a named WebSphere MQ for z/OS message queue or the contents of all the queues of a named page set, retaining the definitions of the queues.
- To format WebSphere MQ for z/OS page sets.
- To restore the contents of a named WebSphere MQ for z/OS message queue or the contents of all the queues of a named page set from a sequential file created by the COPY function.
- To extract page set information from one or more page sets.
- To copy whole page sets to other page set data sets and reset the log information in the copy.
- To copy the contents of a queue to a data set while the queue manager is offline.
- To produce a set of define commands for objects while the queue manager is offline.
- To convert a channel initiator parameter load module into queue manager attributes (for migration purposes).