sample definition, dead-letter queue, transmission queue, default transmission queue, sample object definitions, CICS adapter" /> CSQ4INYG object sample


CSQ4INYG object sample

The sample data set: thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4INYG) contains the following sample definitions that we can use for customizing your own objects for general use:

We cannot use this sample as is - customize it before use. Then we can include this member in the CSQINP2 DD concatenation of the queue manager startup procedure, or we can use it as input to the COMMAND function of the CSQUTIL utility to issue the required DEFINE commands. (This is preferable because it means that you don't have to redefine these objects each time that you restart WebSphere MQ).

In addition to the sample definitions here, we can use the system object definitions as the basis for your own resource definitions. For example, we can make a working copy of SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE and name it MY.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE. We can then change any of the parameters in this copy as required. You could then issue a DEFINE command by whichever method you choose, provided you have the authority to create resources of that type.


Default transmission queue

Read Default transmission queue before you decide whether you want to define a default transmission queue.


CICS adapter objects

The sample defines an initiation queue named CICS01.INITQ. This queue is used by the WebSphere MQ-supplied CKTI transaction. We can change the name of this queue; however it must match the name specified in the CICS system initialization table (SIT) or SYSIN override in the INITPARM statement.