planning the environment, DB2, RRS Attach" /> Planning your DB2 environment


Planning your DB2 environment

If you are using queue-sharing groups, WebSphere MQ needs to attach to a DB2 subsystem that is a member of a data-sharing group. WebSphere MQ needs to know the name of the data-sharing group that it is to connect to, and the name of a DB2 subsystem (or DB2 group) to connect to, to reach this data-sharing group. These names are specified in the QSGDATA parameter of the CSQ6SYSP system parameter macro (described in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide).

WebSphere MQ uses the RRS Attach facility of DB2. This means that we can specify the name of a DB2 group that you want to connect to. The advantage of connecting to a DB2 group attach name (rather than a specific DB2 subsystem), is that WebSphere MQ can connect (or reconnect) to any available DB2 subsystem on the z/OS image that is a member of that group. There must be a DB2 subsystem that is a member of the data-sharing group active on each z/OS image where you are going to run a queue-sharing WebSphere MQ subsystem, and RRS must be active.