CICS adapter conventions

There are a number of conventions that must be observed in applications using the adapter.


Temporary storage queue names

The CICS adapter display function uses two temporary storage queues (MAIN) for each invoking task to store the output data for browsing. The names of the queues are ttttCKRT and ttttCKDP, where tttt is the terminal identifier of the terminal from which the display function is requested.

Do not try to access these queues.



When the CICS adapter puts a task on a CICS wait because the WAIT option was used with the MQGET call and there was no message available, the RESOURCE NAME used is GETWAIT and the RESOURCE_TYPE is MQSeries.

When the CICS adapter puts a task on a CICS wait because of a need to perform task switching the RESOURCE NAME used is TASKSWCH and the RESOURCE_TYPE is MQSeries.



The CICS adapter uses the name:

CSQ.genericapplid(8).QMGR to issue CICS ENQ and CICS DEQ calls during processing, for example, starting and stopping the connection. You should not use similar names for CICS ENQ or DEQ purposes.