DAE (dump analysis and elimination), dump analysis and elimination (DAE)" /> Suppressing WebSphere MQ for z/OS dumps using z/OS DAE


Suppressing WebSphere MQ for z/OS dumps using z/OS DAE

We can suppress SVC dumps that duplicate previous dumps. The MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids manual gives details about using z/OS dump analysis and elimination (DAE).

To support DAE, WebSphere MQ for z/OS defines two variable recording area (VRA) keys and a minimum symptom string. The two VRA keys are:

WebSphere MQ for z/OS provides the following data for the minimum symptom string in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA):

Dumps are considered duplicates for the purpose of suppressing duplicate dumps if eight (the X'08' from the VRAMINSC key) of the nine symptoms are the same.