CSQV086E message

  1. Issue the DISPLAY DUMP command to see whether any SVC dumps occurred near the time the message appeared. (See the MVS System Commands manual if necessary.)

  2. If there was only one SVC dump for the abend, follow the procedure starting at step 1.

  3. If there were two or more SVC dumps, follow the steps below.

    1. Read the sections in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Messages and Codes manual that describe the reason code appearing in your message, and any reason codes appearing in the SVC dump titles. Reason codes appear after the completion code in the SVC dump title. For an example, see Analyzing the dump.

    2. Compare the reason codes in the SVC dumps to determine which dump relates to the CSQV086E message.

    3. Use that SVC dump and follow the procedure starting at step 1.

  4. If there were two or more different abends, follow the steps below:

    1. Determine which abend was the original cause by reviewing the time stamps in the SYS1.LOGREC entries.

    2. Use that SVC dump and follow the procedure starting at step 1.

  5. If there were no SVC dumps for the abend, follow the steps below.

    1. Locate the 4-byte reason code in the message.

    2. Review the diagnostic information in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Messages and Codes manual. Follow any procedures recommended there.

    3. Add this to your keyword string, in one of the formats shown below (in this example, a reason code of X'00D93001' is used):

      Free format

      5655L8200 R600 ABEND6C6 RC00D93001

      Structured format

      PIDS/5655L8200 LVLS/600 AB/S06C6 PRCS/00D93001

      Turn to CSECT keyword.