Coupling Facility manager messages (CSQE...)


The value shown for struc-name in the coupling facility manager messages that follow is the 12-character name as used by WebSphere MQ. The external name of such CF structures for use by z/OS is formed by prefixing the MQ name with the name of the queue-sharing group to which the queue manager is connected.

Structure struc-name connected as conn-name, version=version

The queue manager has successfully connected to structure struc-name.

System Action:

Processing continues. The queue manager can now access the CF structure.

Structure struc-name connection name conn-name disconnected

The queue manager has disconnected from CF structure struc-name.

System Action:

Processing continues.

event-type event received for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

The queue manager has received XES event event-type for CF structure struc-name.

System Action:

Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

Examine the event code to determine what event was issued. The event codes are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual.

Recovery event from qmgr-name received for structure struc-name

The queue manager issued a peer level recovery event for CF structure struc-name.

System Action:

Processing continues. The queue manager will begin peer level recovery processing.

Recovery phase 1 started for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

Peer level recovery has started phase one of its processing, following the failure of another queue manager in the queue-sharing group.

System Action:

Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

Determine why a queue manager within the queue-sharing group failed.

Recovery phase 2 started for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

Peer level recovery has started phase two of its processing.

System Action:

Processing continues.

Recovery phase 1 completed for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

Peer level recovery has completed phase one of its processing.

System Action:

Processing continues.

Recovery phase 2 completed for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

Peer level recovery has completed phase two of its processing.

System Action:

Processing continues.

Recovery phase 2 not attempted for structure struc-name connection name conn-name

Phase two of peer level recovery processing was not attempted because of a previous error in phase one on one of the participating queue managers.

System Action:

Processing continues. The connection will be recovered by the failed queue manager when it restarts.

System Programmer Response:

Investigate the cause of the error, as reported in the preceding messages.

Structure struc-name connection name conn-name disconnected, RC=return-code reason=reason

The queue manager has disconnected from CF structure struc-name.

System Action:

Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

Examine the return and reason codes to determine why the CF structure was disconnected. The codes are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual.

Admin structure data building started

The queue manager is building its own data for the administration structure.

System Action:

Processing continues.

Admin structure data building completed

The queue manager has built its own data for the administration structure.

System Action:

Processing continues.

Structure struc-name connection as conn-name failed, RC=return-code reason=reason codes=s1 s2 s3

The queue manager failed to connect to CF structure struc-name.

System Action:

This depends on the component that caused the connection request (queue manager or channel initiator) and the reason for connecting to the CF structure. The component may terminate, or may continue processing but with functions that require the structure inhibited.

System Programmer Response:

Examine the return and reason codes to determine why the connect failed. Codes s1 s2 s3 are the XES IXLCONN diagnosis codes, which are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual.

Structure struc-name connection as conn-name warning, RC=return-code reason=reason codes=s1 s2 s3

The queue manager has successfully connected to CF structure struc-name, but the XES IXLCONN call returned with a warning.

System Action:

Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

Examine the return and reason codes to determine why the connect warning message was issued. Codes s1 s2 s3 are the XES IXLCONN diagnosis codes, which are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual.

Structure struc-name unusable, size is too small

The queue manager cannot use the named CF structure because its size is less than the minimum that MQ requires.

System Action:

The queue manager disconnects from the CF structure, which becomes unusable. If it is an application structure, the queues that use the structure are not usable. If it is the administration structure, the queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00C53000'.

System Programmer Response:

Increase the size of the CF structure to at least the minimum size required. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide for guidance on required structure sizes.

If the structure is allocated and the Coupling Facility Resource Manager policy allows the size of it to be increased, use the z/OS command SETXCF START,ALTER,STRNAME=ext-struc-name,SIZE=newsize. If the policy does not so allow, or there is insufficient space in the Coupling Facility that hosts the structure, the policy must be altered; then the structure can be rebuilt using the z/OS command SETXCF START,REBUILD,STRNAME=ext-struc-name. (In these commands, ext-struc-name is formed by prefixing struc-name with the queue-sharing group name.)

If the structure is not allocated, alter the policy to specify a larger INITSIZE for the structure.

Incorrect coupling facility level level1, required level2

The queue manager cannot join the queue-sharing group because the version of z/OS or OS/390 being used supports only CF level level1, but MQ requires at least level level2.

System Action:

CF support is not active.

System Programmer Response:

Upgrade z/OS or OS/390 and the coupling facility as necessary.

Invalid UOW for qmgr-name in list list-id cannot be recovered, key=uow-key

A unit-of-work descriptor was read during recovery processing that contained unexpected data. The descriptor was for the indicated queue manager; it was in the coupling facility list list-id and had key uow-key (shown in hexadecimal).

System Action:

The unit-of-work in error cannot be processed and the descriptor is marked as being in error. Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

Take a dump of the indicated list in your coupling facility administration structure for queue manager qmgr-name and contact your IBM support center.

Structure struc-name unusable, incorrect coupling facility level level1, required level2

The queue manager cannot use the named CF structure because it has been allocated in a CF which supports level level1, but MQ requires at least level level2.

System Action:

The queues that use the CF structure are not usable.

System Programmer Response:

Either upgrade the coupling facility, or use a CF structure which is in a CF running level level2 or above.

Structure struc-name unusable, vector size n1 incorrect, required n2

The queue manager cannot use the named CF structure because it has been allocated a list notification vector of size n1, but MQ requires at least size n2. This is probably because there is not enough available hardware storage area (HSA) for the vector.

System Action:

The queues that use the CF structure are not usable.

System Programmer Response:

We cannot adjust the amount of HSA defined for your processor. Instead, retry the application (or other process) which was attempting to open the shared queue. If the problem persists, contact your IBM support center for assistance.

Structure struc-name reset, all messages discarded

When it tried to connect to the named CF structure, the queue manager detected that the structure had been deleted, so a new empty structure has been created.

System Action:

All the messages on the queues that use the CF structure are deleted.

Structure struc-name unusable, version v1 differs from group version v2

The queue manager cannot use the named CF structure because the version number of the structure differs from that of the queue-sharing group.

System Action:

The queue manager disconnects from the CF structure, which becomes unusable. If it is an application structure, the queues that use the structure are not usable. If it is the administration structure, the queue manager terminates with completion code X'6C6' and reason code X'00C51057'.

System Programmer Response:

Check that the configuration of your queue manager, queue-sharing group, and data-sharing group is correct. If so, deallocate the CF structure using the z/OS commands SETXCF FORCE,CON and SETXCF FORCE,STRUCTURE. (In these commands, the structure name is formed by prefixing struc-name with the queue-sharing group name.)

Serialized application cannot start, admin structure data incomplete

A serialized application attempted to start, but it could not do so because one or more queue managers in the queue-sharing group has not completed building its data for the administration structure. Messages CSQE031I and CSQE032I precede this message to identify such queue managers.

System Action:

The application is not started. The MQCONNX call that it issued to connect to the queue manager fails with a completion code of MQCC_FAILED and a reason code of MQRC_CONN_TAG_NOT_USABLE. (See Appendix A. API completion and reason codes for more information about these codes.)

System Programmer Response:

Restart any queue managers identified by message CSQE032I. When all the queue managers identified in messages CSQE031I or CSQE032I have built their data for the administration structure (as shown by message CSQE019I), restart the application.

Admin structure data from qmgr-name incomplete

Some functions are not yet available because the indicated queue manager has not completed building its data for the administration structure.

System Action:

Processing continues. The functions will be available when all the queue managers identified by messages CSQE031I and CSQE032I have issued message CSQE019I.

Admin structure data from qmgr-name unavailable

Some functions are not yet available because the indicated queue manager is not active and therefore its data for the administration structure is not available.

System Action:

Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

Start the indicated queue manager. The functions will be available when all the queue managers identified by messages CSQE031I or CSQE032I have issued message CSQE019I.

Recovery phase 1 failed for structure struc-name connection name conn-name, RC=return-code reason=reason

An error occurred during phase one of peer level recovery processing. The recovery attempt is terminated. return-code and reason are the diagnosis codes (in hexadecimal) from an XES IXL call.

System Action:

Processing continues. The connection will be recovered by the failed queue manager when it restarts.

System Programmer Response:

See the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for information about the XES IXL diagnosis codes. Restart the queue manager that failed; if it is unable to recover, contact your IBM support center.

Recovery phase 2 failed for structure struc-name connection name conn-name, RC=return-code reason=reason

An error occurred during phase two of peer level recovery processing. The recovery attempt is terminated. return-code and reason are the diagnosis codes (in hexadecimal) from an XES IXL call.

System Action:

Processing continues. The connection will be recovered by the failed queue manager when it restarts.

System Programmer Response:

See the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for information about the XES IXL diagnosis codes. Restart the queue manager that failed; if it is unable to recover, contact your IBM support center.

csect-name Structure struc-name in failed state, recovery needed

The queue manager attempted to use CF structure struc-name, but it is in a failed state. The failure occurred previously; it was not caused by the current use of the structure.

System Action:

Processing continues, but queues that use this CF structure will not be accessible.

System Programmer Response:

Check the console for messages from XES relating to the earlier failure, and investigate the cause. See the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual for information about diagnosing problems in XES.

When the problem is resolved, issue a RECOVER CFSTRUCT command specifying TYPE(NORMAL) for this and any other failed CF structure.

Structure struc-name should be backed up

The latest backup for the named CF structure is not very recent. Unless backups are taken frequently, the time to recover persistent messages on shared queues may become excessive.

The message is issued at checkpoint time if the queue manager was the one that took the last backup, or if it has used the structure since the last backup was taken.

System Action:

Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

Use the BACKUP CFSTRUCT command (on any queue manager in the queue-sharing group) to make a new CF structure backup. You are recommended to set up a procedure to take frequent backups automatically.

Structure struc-name backup is more than a day old

The latest backup for the named CF structure is more than one day old. Unless backups are taken frequently, the time to recover persistent messages on shared queues may become excessive.

The message is issued at checkpoint time if the queue manager was the one that took the last backup, or if it has used the structure since the last backup was taken.

System Action:

Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

Use the BACKUP CFSTRUCT command (on any queue manager in the queue-sharing group) to make a new CF structure backup. You are recommended to set up a procedure to take frequent backups automatically.

csect-name Unable to backup or recover structure struc-name, structure in use

A BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure that is in use by another process. The most likely cause is that another BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command is already in progress.

System Action:

Processing of the command is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command. If so, wait until the current process ends before reissuing the command if required.

csect-name Unable to recover structure struc-name, not in failed state

A RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure that is not in a failed state. Only a CF structure that has previously failed can be recovered.

System Action:

Processing of the command is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command.

csect-name Unable to recover structures, admin structure data incomplete

A RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued, but recovery could not be performed because one or more queue managers in the queue-sharing group has not completed building its data for the administration structure.

System Action:

Messages CSQE031I and CSQE032I are sent to the z/OS console to identify such queue managers. Processing of the command is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Restart any queue managers identified by message CSQE032I. When all the queue managers identified in messages CSQE031I or CSQE032I have built their administration structure data (as shown by message CSQE019I), reissue the command.

csect-name RECOVER task initiated for structure struc-name

The queue manager has successfully started a task to process the RECOVER CFSTRUCT command for the named CF structure.

System Action:

Processing continues.

csect-name BACKUP task initiated for structure struc-name

The queue manager has successfully started a task to process the BACKUP CFSTRUCT command for the named CF structure.

System Action:

Processing continues.

csect-name Unable to backup structure struc-name, reason=reason

A BACKUP CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure, but the backup could not be performed.

System Action:

Processing of the command is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Examine the reason code to determine why the CF structure could not be backed-up. The codes are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference manual.

csect-name Unable to backup or recover structure struc-name, structure has never been used

A BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure that has never been used, and so does not contain any messages or data.

System Action:

Processing of the command is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command.

csect-name Unable to backup or recover structure struc-name, structure does not support recovery

A BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure whose functional capability is incompatible with this command; for example, the CF structure level is not high enough to support recovery, or the RECOVER attribute is set to NO.

System Action:

Processing of the command is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Ensure that the CF structure is at a level of functional capability that allows the use of the BACKUP or RECOVER CFSTRUCT command and that its RECOVER attribute is set to YES. Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command.

csect-name Unable to recover structure struc-name, no backup information available

A RECOVER CFSTRUCT command was issued for a CF structure, but no backup information could be found.

System Action:

Processing of the command is terminated.

System Programmer Response:

Check that the correct CF structure name was entered on the command. If so, issue a BACKUP CFSTRUCT command to ensure that backup information is available.

Backup of structure struc-name started at RBA=rba

The named CF structure is being backed-up in response to a BACKUP CFSTRUCT command. The backup begins at the indicated RBA.

System Action:

Processing continues.

csect-name Backup of structure struc-name completed at RBA=rba, size n MB

The named CF structure has been backed-up successfully. The backup ends at the indicated RBA, and n is its approximate size in megabytes.

System Action:

Processing continues.

Recovery of structure struc-name started, using qmgr-name log range from RBA=from-rba to RBA=to-rba

The named CF structure is being recovered from the log of queue manager qmgr-name. The log range to be used is shown.

System Action:

Processing continues.

csect-name Recovery of structure struc-name completed

The named CF structure has been recovered successfully. The structure is available for use again.

System Action:

Processing continues.

Structure recovery started, using qmgr-name log range from LRSN=from-lrsn to LRSN=to-lrsn

CF structure recovery is starting in response to a RECOVER CFSTRUCT command. It must read the log range shown in order to determine how to perform recovery. The logs are read backwards, from the latest failure time of the structures to be recovered to the earliest last successful backup time of those structures.

System Action:

Processing continues.

Structure recovery reading log backwards, LRSN=lrsn

This is issued periodically during log reading by CF structure recovery to show progress. The log range that needs to be read is shown in the preceding CSQE132I message.

System Action:

Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

If this message is issued repeatedly with the same LRSN value, investigate the cause; for example, MQ might be waiting for a tape with an archive log data set to be mounted.

Structure recovery reading log completed

CF structure recovery has completed reading the logs. The individual structures can now be recovered.

System Action:

Each CF structure is recovered independently, as shown by messages CSQE130I and CSQE131I.

Recovery of structure struc-name reading log, RBA=rba

This is issued periodically during log reading for recovering the named CF structure to show progress. The log range that needs to be read is shown in the preceding CSQE130I message.

System Action:

Processing continues.

System Programmer Response:

If this message is issued repeatedly with the same RBA value, investigate the cause; for example, MQ might be waiting for a tape with an archive log data set to be mounted.