Appendix F. Distributed queuing message codes


Distributed queuing message codes are in the form s0009nnn (in hexadecimal), and the error they identify is generally described in detail by error message CSQXnnn, although there are some exceptions. The following table shows the full correspondence. Distributed queuing message codes are used in some error messages, and in the event data for the MQRC_CHANNEL_STOPPED event. The event data also contains message inserts; the meanings of the inserts depend on the message code, and are shown in the following table, in the form in which they are given in the message explanation. Where no meaning is shown, the insert is not relevant to the message code, and the value set in the event message is unpredictable. Character insert 3 is never relevant, and so is omitted from the table.

trptype can be shown in various forms:

Message insert
Event data


TCP/IP, and so on


LU 6.2, APPC, CPI-C, and so on


Message code (nnn) Message number Integer insert 1 Integer insert 2 Character insert 1 Character insert 2 Character insert 3
001 CSQX501I channel-name
181 CSQX181E response exit-name
182 CSQX182E response exit-name
184 CSQX184E address exit-name
189 CSQX189E length exit-name
196 CSQX196E data-length ab-length exit-name
197 CSQX197E data-length eb-length exit-name
201 CSQX201E return-code conn-id trptype
202 CSQX202E return-code conn-id trptype
203 CSQX203E return-code conn-id trptype
204 CSQX204E return-code conn-id trptype
205 CSQX205E return-code conn-id trptype
206 CSQX206E return-code conn-id trptype
207 CSQX207E conn-id trptype
208 CSQX208E return-code conn-id trptype
209 CSQX209E conn-id trptype
211 CSQX027E
212 CSQX212E return-code
213 CSQX213E return-code trptype
237 CSQX203E return-code reason conn-id trptype
238 CSQX213E return-code reason trptype
403 CSQX403I channel-name exit-name
496 CSQX496I channel-name
498 CSQX498E fieldvalue channel-name
506 CSQX506E channel-name
510 CSQX037E mqrc name
511 CSQX038E mqrc name
514 CSQX514E channel-name
519 CSQX519E channel-name
520 CSQX520E channel-name
525 CSQX525E channel-name
526 CSQX526E msg-seqno exp-seqno channel-name
527 CSQX527E channel-name
528 CSQX528I channel-name
533 CSQX533I channel-name
534 CSQX534E channel-name
536 CSQX536I channel-name exit-name
540 CSQX540E mqrc commit identifier which includes channel-name
542 the queue manager is stopping (no corresponding error message)
544 see integer insert 1


see message CSQX548E


see message CSQX544E
545 CSQX545I channel-name
546 code 00E70546
558 CSQX558E channel-name
565 CSQX565E channel-name qmgr-name
569 CSQX569E channel-name
570 CSQX570E channel-name
572 CSQX572E channel-name
573 CSQX573E channel-name
574 CSQX574I channel-name
575 CSQX575E
613 CSQX613E channel-name
620 CSQX620E return-code SSL-function
631 CSQX631E channel-name local cipher spec remote cipher spec
633 CSQX633E channel-name
634 CSQX634E channel-name
635 CSQX635E channel-name cipher spec
636 CSQX636E channel-name dist-name
637 CSQX637E channel-name
638 CSQX638E channel-name
639 CSQX639E channel-name
640 CSQX640E channel-name key-name
641 CSQX641E channel-name
642 CSQX642E channel-name
643 CSQX643E channel-name
644 CSQX644E channel-name
999 CSQX599E channel-name