Object methods (public)

void operator = ( const ImqDeadLetterHeader & header );

Copies instance data is copied from header, replacing the existing instance data.

MQLONG deadLetterReasonCode( ) const ;

Returns the dead-letter reason code.

void setDeadLetterReasonCode( const MQLONG reason );

Sets the dead-letter reason code.

ImqString destinationQueueManagerName( ) const ;

Returns the destination queue manager name, stripped of any trailing blanks.

void setDestinationQueueManagerName( const char * name );

Sets the destination queue manager name. Truncates data longer than MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH (48 characters).

ImqString destinationQueueName( ) const ;

Returns a copy of the destination queue name, stripped of any trailing blanks.

void setDestinationQueueName( const char * name );

Sets the destination queue name. Truncates data longer than MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH (48 characters).

ImqString putApplicationName( ) const ;

Returns a copy of the put application name, stripped of any trailing blanks.

void setPutApplicationName( const char * name = 0 );

Sets the put application name. Truncates data longer than MQ_PUT_APPL_NAME_LENGTH (28 characters).

MQLONG putApplicationType( ) const ;

Returns the put application type.

void setPutApplicationType( const MQLONG type = MQAT_NO_CONTEXT );

Sets the put application type.

ImqString putDate( ) const ;

Returns a copy of the put date, stripped of any trailing blanks.

void setPutDate( const char * date = 0 );

Sets the put date. Truncates data longer than MQ_PUT_DATE_LENGTH (8 characters).

ImqString putTime( ) const ;

Returns a copy of the put time, stripped of any trailing blanks.

void setPutTime( const char * time = 0 );

Sets the put time. Truncates data longer than MQ_PUT_TIME_LENGTH (8 characters).