Object methods (public)
- void operator = ( const ImqCICSBridgeHeader & header );
- Copies instance data from the header, replacing the existing instance data.
- MQLONG ADSDescriptor( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the ADS descriptor.
- void setADSDescriptor( const MQLONG descriptor = MQCADSD_NONE );
- Sets the ADS descriptor.
- ImqString attentionIdentifier( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the attention identifier, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_ATTENTION_ID_LENGTH.
- void setAttentionIdentifier( const char * data = 0 );
- Sets the attention identifier, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_ATTENTION_ID_LENGTH. If no data is supplied, resets attention identifier to the initial value.
- ImqString authenticator( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the authenticator, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_AUTHENTICATOR_LENGTH.
- void setAuthenticator( const char * data = 0 );
- Sets the authenticator, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_AUTHENTICATOR_LENGTH. If no data is supplied, resets authenticator to the initial value.
- ImqString bridgeAbendCode( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the bridge abend code, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_ABEND_CODE_LENGTH.
- ImqString bridgeCancelCode( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the bridge cancel code, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_CANCEL_CODE_LENGTH.
- void setBridgeCancelCode( const char * data = 0 );
- Sets the bridge cancel code, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_CANCEL_CODE_LENGTH. If no data is supplied, resets the bridge cancel code to the initial value.
- MQLONG bridgeCompletionCode( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the bridge completion code.
- MQLONG bridgeErrorOffset( ) const ;
- Returns a copy of the bridge error offset.
- MQLONG bridgeReasonCode( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the bridge reason code.
- MQLONG bridgeReturnCode( ) const;
- Returns the bridge return code.
- MQLONG conversationalTask( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the conversational task.
- void setConversationalTask( const MQLONG task = MQCCT_NO );
- Sets the conversational task.
- MQLONG cursorPosition( ) const ;
- Returns a copy of the cursor position.
- void setCursorPosition( const MQLONG position = 0 );
- Sets the cursor position.
- MQLONG facilityKeepTime( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the facility keep time.
- void setFacilityKeepTime( const MQLONG time = 0 );
- Sets the facility keep time.
- ImqString facilityLike( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the facility like, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_FACILITY_LIKE_LENGTH.
- void setFacilityLike( const char * name = 0 );
- Sets the facility like, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_FACILITY_LIKE_LENGTH. If no name is supplied, resets facility like the initial value.
- ImqBinary facilityToken( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the facility token.
- ImqBoolean setFacilityToken( const ImqBinary & token );
- Sets the facility token. The data length of token must be either zero or MQ_FACILITY_LENGTH. It returns TRUE if successful.
- void setFacilityToken( const MQBYTE8 token = 0);
- Sets the facility token. token can be zero, which is the same as specifying MQCFAC_NONE. If token is nonzero it must address MQ_FACILITY_LENGTH bytes of binary data. When using predefined values such as MQCFAC_NONE, you might need to make a cast to ensure a signature match. For example, (MQBYTE *)MQCFAC_NONE.
- ImqString function( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the function, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_FUNCTION_LENGTH.
- MQLONG getWaitInterval( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the get wait interval.
- void setGetWaitInterval( const MQLONG interval = MQCGWI_DEFA
- Sets the get wait interval.
- MQLONG linkType( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the link type.
- void setLinkType( const MQLONG type = MQCLT_PROGRAM );
- Sets the link type.
- ImqString nextTransactionIdentifier( ) const ;
- Returns a copy of the next transaction identifier data, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH.
- MQLONG outputDataLength( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the output data length.
- void setOutputDataLength( const MQLONG length = MQCODL_AS_INPUT );
- Sets the output data length.
- ImqString replyToFormat( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the reply-to format name, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_FORMAT_LENGTH.
- void setReplyToFormat( const char * name = 0 );
- Sets the reply-to format, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_FORMAT_LENGTH. If no name is supplied, resets reply-to format to the initial value.
- ImqString startCode( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the start code, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_START_CODE_LENGTH.
- void setStartCode( const char * data = 0 );
- Sets the start code data, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_START_CODE_LENGTH. If no data is supplied, resets start code to the initial value.
- MQLONG taskEndStatus( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the task end status.
- ImqString transactionIdentifier( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the transaction identifier data, padded with trailing blanks to the length MQ_TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH.
- void setTransactionIdentifier( const char * data = 0 );
- Sets the transaction identifier, padded with trailing blanks to length MQ_TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH. If no data is supplied, resets transaction identifier to the initial value.
- MQLONG UOWControl( ) const;
- Returns a copy of the UOW control.
- void setUOWControl( const MQLONG control = MQCUOWC_ONLY );
- Sets the UOW control.
- MQLONG version( ) const;
- Returns the version number.
- ImqBoolean setVersion( const MQLONG version = MQCIH_VERSION_2 );
- Sets the version number. It returns TRUE if successful.