Object methods (public)

void operator = ( const ImqBinary & binary );

Copies bytes from binary.

ImqBoolean operator == ( const ImqBinary & binary );

Compares this object with binary. It returns FALSE if not equal and TRUE otherwise. The objects are equal if they have the same data length and the bytes match.

ImqBoolean copyOut( void * buffer, const size_t length, const char pad = 0 );

Copies up to length bytes from the data pointer to buffer. If the data length is insufficient, the remaining space in buffer is filled with pad bytes. buffer can be zero if length is also zero. length must not be negative. It returns TRUE if successful.

size_t dataLength( ) const ;

Returns the data length.

ImqBoolean setDataLength( const size_t length );

Sets the data length. If the data length is changed as a result of this method, the data in the object is uninitialized. It returns TRUE if successful.

void * dataPointer( ) const ;

Returns the data pointer.

ImqBoolean isNull( ) const ;

Returns TRUE if the data length is zero, or if all the data bytes are zero. Otherwise it returns FALSE.

ImqBoolean set( const void * buffer, const size_t length );

Copies length bytes from buffer. It returns TRUE if successful.