to the CICS bridge, writing messages, CICS bridge header, message headers, writing, messages, writing a message to the CICS bridge, examples" /> Writing a message to the CICS bridge


Writing a message to the CICS bridge

Messages sent to WebSphere MQ for z/OS using the CICS bridge require a special header. The CICS bridge header is prefixed to regular message data.

ImqQueueManager mgr ;         // The queue manager.
ImqQueue queueIn ;            // Incoming message queue.
ImqQueue queueBridge ;        // CICS bridge message queue.
ImqMessage msg ;              // Incoming and outgoing message.
ImqCicsBridgeHeader header ;  // CICS bridge header information.
// Retrieve the message to be forwarded.
queueIn.setConnectionReference( mgr );
queueIn.setName( MY_QUEUE );
queueIn.get( msg );
// Set up the CICS bridge header information.
// The reply-to format is often specified.
// Other attributes can be specified, but all have default values.
header.setReplyToFormat( /* ? */ );
// Insert the CICS bridge header information.  This will vary
// the encoding, character set and format of the message.
// Message data is moved along, past the header.
msg.writeItem( header );
// Send the message to the CICS bridge queue.
queueBridge.setConnectionReference( mgr );
queueBridge.setName( /* ? */ );
queueBridge.put( msg );