Batch Heartbeat Interval (BATCHHB)

The time in milliseconds used to determine whether batch heartbeating occurs on this channel. Batch heartbeating allows sender-type channels to determine whether the remote channel instance is still active before going in-doubt. A batch heartbeat will occur if a sender-type channel has not communicated with the remote channel within the specified time.

This parameter is only valid for *SDR, *SVR, *CLUSSDR and *CLUSRCVR channels.

The possible values are:


The value of this attribute is taken from the system default channel of the specified type.


Specify a value in the range zero through 999 999 999. Note: For implementation reasons, the maximum batch heartbeat interval that can be used is 999 999; values exceeding this are treated as 999 999. A value of zero indicates that batch heartbeating is not to be used.