Remote Message Queue Manager (RMTMQMNAME)

Specifies the name of the remote queue manager on which the queue RMTQNAME is defined.

If an application opens the local definition of a remote queue, RMTMQMNAME must not be the name of the connected queue manager. If TMQNAME is blank there must be a local queue of this name, which is to be used as the transmission queue.

If this definition is used for a queue manager alias, RMTMQMNAME is the name of the queue manager, which can be the name of the connected queue manager. Otherwise, if TMQNAME is blank, when the queue is opened there must be a local queue of this name, with USAGE(*TMQ) specified, which is to be used as the transmission queue.

If this definition is used for a reply-to alias, this name is the name of the queue manager that is to be the reply-to queue manager.

The possible values are:


The attribute is unchanged.


Specify the name of the remote queue manager.

Note: Ensure this name contains only those characters normally allowed for queue manager names.