examples, sample error log, problem determination" /> An example WebSphere MQ error log


An example WebSphere MQ error log

Figure 13 shows a typical extract from a WebSphere MQ error log.

Figure 13. Extract from a WebSphere MQ error log

************Beginning of data************** 
07/19/02  11:15:56 AMQ9411: Repository manager ended normally.

Cause . . . . . :   The repository manager ended normally.
Recovery  . . . :   None.
Technical Description . . . . . . . . :   None. 
07/19/02  11:15:57 AMQ9542: Queue manager is ending.

Cause . . . . . :   The program will end because the queue manager is quiescing.
Recovery  . . . :   None.  
Technical Description . . . . . . . . :   None. 
----- amqrimna.c : 773 --------------------------------------------------------

07/19/02  11:16:00 AMQ8004: WebSphere MQ queue manager 'mick' ended.
Cause . . . . . :   WebSphere MQ queue manager 'mick' ended.
Recovery  . . . :   None.
Technical Description . . . . . . . . :   None.
07/19/02  11:16:48 AMQ7163: WebSphere MQ job number 18429 started.

Cause . . . . . :   This job has started to perform work for Queue Manager
                    mick, The job's PID is 18429 the CCSID is 37. The job name is
Recovery  . . . :   None
07/19/02  11:16:49 AMQ7163: WebSphere MQ job number 18430 started.

Cause . . . . . :   This job has started to perform work for Queue Manager
                    mick, The job's PID is 18430 the CCSID is 0. The job name is
Recovery  . . . :   None
07/19/02  11:16:49 AMQ7163: WebSphere MQ job number 18431 started.

Cause . . . . . :   This job has started to perform work for Queue Manager
                    mick, The job's PID is 18431 the CCSID is 37. The job name is
Recovery  . . . :   None 
07/19/02  11:16:50 AMQ7163: WebSphere MQ job number 18432 started. 

Cause . . . . . :   This job has started to perform work for Queue Manager
                    mick, The job's PID is 18432 the CCSID is 37. The job name is
Recovery  . . . :   None