Altering the job submission attributes of the trigger monitor

The trigger monitor supplied as command STRMQMTRM submits a job for each trigger message using the system default job description,

QDFTJOBD. This has limitations in that the submitted jobs are always called

QDFTJOBD and have the attributes of the default job description including the library list,

*SYSVAL. WebSphere MQ provides a method for overriding these attributes. For example, it is possible to tailor the submitted jobs to have more meaningful job names as follows:

  1. In the job description specify the description you want, for example logging values.

  2. Specify the Environment Data of the process definition used in the triggering process:

    The Trigger Monitor now performs a

    SBMJOB using the specified description.

Figure 3. Display MQ Process panel
                Display MQ Process
 Queue manager name . . . . . . > QmgrName
 Process name . . . . . . . . . > ProcessName
 Text 'description' . . . . . . >        
 Application type . . . . .  .  > *OS400
 Application identifier . .  .  > LibName/PgmName
 User data  . . . . . . . . . . > 
 Environment data  . . .  . . . > USER(UserName) JOBNAME(JobName)
 JOBD(*LIBL/QDFTJOBD) LOG( 4 00 *Seclvl) 
 Last alter date . . . . . . .  > 2005-05-01
 Last alter time . . . . . . .  > 11.44.29
 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F21=Print

It is possible to override other attributes of the

SBMJOB by specifying the appropriate keyword and value in the Environment Data of the process definition. The only exception to this is the

CMD keyword because this attribute is filled by the trigger monitor. An example of the command to specify the Environment Data of the process definition where both the job name and description are to be altered follows: