configuration files, qm.ini configuration file" /> The TCP stanza


The TCP stanza

This stanza specifies network protocol configuration parameters. They override the default attributes for channels.

Only attributes representing changes to the default values need to be specified.


The following attributes can be specified:


The default port number, in decimal notation, for TCP/IP sessions. The well known port number for WebSphere MQ is 1414.


Switch the KeepAlive function on or off. KeepAlive=YES causes TCP/IP to check periodically that the other end of the connection is still available. If it is not, the channel is closed.


When receiving on TCP/IP, a maximum number of outstanding connection requests is set. This can be considered to be a backlog of requests waiting on the TCP/IP port for the listener to accept the request. The default listener backlog value for OS/400 is 255; the maximum is 512. If the backlog reaches the value of 512, the TCP/IP connection is rejected and the channel cannot start.

For MCA channels, this results in the channel going into a RETRY state and retrying the connection at a later time.

For client connections, the client receives an MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE reason code from MQCONN and should retry the connection at a later time.


ListenerBacklog attribute allows you to override the default number of outstanding requests for the TCP/IP listener.