Uninstalling WebSphere MQ using the command line


To invoke an uninstallation, you use the Msiexec command. The file used for both installation and uninstallation, IBM WebSphere MQ.msi, is available on the Server CD that was used in install WebSphere MQ.

To uninstall all WebSphere MQ features, enter one of the following commands:

path refers to the path to the file IBM WebSphere MQ.msi. This file can be found on the Server CD.

Alternatively, we can use the Msiexec command with a parameter that calls a response file. A response file is an ASCII text file that contains the parameter values that you want to set for the uninstallation. The response file has a format similar to a Windows .ini file, and contains the stanza [Response]. This stanza contains parameters that the Msiexec command can use, in the form of property=value pairs. The Msiexec command ignores any other stanzas in the file.

We can set which features to uninstall, and set whether to keep existing queue managers.

The response file you use to uninstall WebSphere MQ for Windows, V6.0 when it was installed using the WebSphere MQ Server CD is not the same as the one used with earlier non-MSI versions of MQSeries. For details about the response file you use with the WebSphere MQ Client CD, see WebSphere MQ Clients.

To silently uninstall WebSphere MQ using a response file, enter the following command:

Msiexec /i "path\MSI\IBM WebSphere MQ.msi" /q USEINI="response_file"
where response_file is the file that contains the [Response] stanza and the required property=value pairs. For details about how to create a response file, see Unattended (silent) installation. For details of the parameters we can specify in a response file, see Table 1.

An example of a typical uninstallation response file is:



Parent topic:

Uninstalling WebSphere MQ Server