Set up the installation


Use the following steps to install a queue manager and a queue:

  1. Create a default queue manager...
    crtmqm -q mydefault.queue.manager

    The -q option specifies that this queue manager is the default queue manager.

    Messages tell you that the queue manager is created, and that the default WebSphere MQ objects are created.

  2. Start the default queue manager.

    A message tells you when the queue manager starts.

  3. Enable MQSC commands by entering the following command:

    The message...

    Starting MQSC for queue manager mydefault.queue.manager displayed when the MQSC session starts. MQSC has no command prompt.

  4. Define a local queue...
    define qlocal(orange.queue)

    Text entered in MQSC in lowercase is converted automatically to uppercase unless enclosed in single quotes. For example, when running commands outside of MQSC, reference uppercase ORANGE.QUEUE.

    The message...

    WebSphere MQ queue created displayed when the queue is created.

  5. Exit MQSC...

  6. The following messages are displayed, then the command prompt is displayed again:
    One MQSC commands read. No commands have a syntax error. All valid MQSC commands were processed.


Parent topic:

Verifying a local installation