Parameter file
A parameter file is an ASCII text file that contains sections (stanzas) with parameters that can be used by the MQParms command. Typically, this is an initialization file such as MQParms.ini.
The MQParms command takes parameters from the following stanzas in the file:
MQParms ignores any other stanzas in the file.
- [MSI]
- Contains general properties related to how the MQParms command runs and to the installation of WebSphere MQ.
The properties that we can set in this stanza are listed in Table 1, Table 2,Table 1, and Table 1.
- [Services]
- Contains properties related to WebSphere MQ account configuration, in particular, the user account required for WebSphere MQ Services. If you are installing WebSphere MQ on a network where the domain controller is on a Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 server, you probably need details of a special domain account. For further information, see Configuring WebSphere MQ accounts and Configuring WebSphere MQ with the Prepare WebSphere MQ wizard.
The properties that we can set in this stanza are listed in Table 3.
- [Default Configuration]
- Contains properties related to the default configuration, that is, adding or configuring a default queue manager. For further information, see Using the Default Configuration wizard.
The properties that you can set in this stanza are listed in Table 4.
- [SSLMigration]
- Contains properties relating to the scheduling of SSL resource migration.
The properties that we can set in this stanza are listed in Table 5.
In the [MSI] stanza, the properties can be in command line format (for example, /q) or property=value format.
In all other stanzas, the parameters are in the form property=value, where property is always interpreted as upper case, but value is case sensitive. If a value string includes a blank, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. Most other values can be enclosed in double quotation marks. Some properties can take more than one value, for example:
ADDLOCAL="Server,Client"To clear a property, set its value to an empty string, for example:
REINSTALL=""The following tables show the properties that we can set. The default is shown in bold.
For the [MSI] stanza, we can enter parameters in command line format (for example, /q) and parameters in property=value format (for example, ADDLOCAL="Server"). Refer to Table 1, Table 1, and Table 2 for the properties used to install WebSphere MQ. Table 1 shows additional properties in the stanza that affect how the MQParms command runs, but that do not affect the installation.
Properties used by MQParms in the MSI stanza Property Values Description MQPLOG path|file_name MQParms generates a text log file with the specified name and location. MQPLANGUAGE system|user|
transform_valueThe installation language. system. Install using the language of the default system locale (the default).
user. Install using the language of the default locale of the user.
transform_value. Install using the language specified by this value. See Table 2.
MQPSMS 0|no 0 or no. MQParms does not wait for the Msiexec command to end (the default). Any other value. MQParms waits for the Msiexec command to end.
MQPINUSE 0|1 If MQPINUSE is set to 1, MQParams continues installing even if WebSphere MQ files are in use. If this option is used a reboot will be required to complete the installation. MQPNOREBOOT 0|1 If MQPNOREBOOT is set to 1, the reboot that is required if installation takes place while WebSphere MQ files are still in use will be suppressed.
Valid values for the MQPLANGUAGE property Language Valid values U.S. English English en_us 1033 German German de_de 1031 French French fr_fr 1036 Spanish Spanish es_es 1034 Italian Italian it_it 1040 Brazilian Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese pt_br 1046 Japanese Japanese ja_jp 1041 Korean Korean ko_kr 1042 Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese zh_cn 2052 Traditional Chinese Traditional Chinese zh_tw 1028 For the [Services] stanza, we can enter parameters in property=value format. You might want to encrypt the values in this stanza. See Encrypting a parameter file.
Properties in the Services stanza Property Values Description USERTYPE local | domain | onlydomain The type of user account to use:
- local
- Creates a local user account.
- domain
- Creates a local user account. If this does not have the required security authorities, it uses the domain user account specified by DOMAINNAME, USERNAME, and PASSWORD.
- onlydomain
- Does not create a local user account, but immediately uses the domain user account specified by DOMAINNAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD. If any of these three properties are missing, a USERTYPE of local is assumed.
The properties DOMAINNAME, USERNAME, and PASSWORD are required if USERTYPE is set to onlydomain.
DOMAINNAME domain_name1 The domain for the domain user account. Required if USERTYPE is set to domain.
USERNAME user_name1 The user name for the domain user account. Required if USERTYPE is set to domain.
PASSWORD password1 The password for the domain user account. Required if USERTYPE is set to domain.
1. Do not enclose this value in double quotation marks.
For the [DefaultConfiguration] stanza, we can enter parameters in property=value format.
Properties in the DefaultConfiguration stanza Property Values Description CREATE yes|no Whether to create the default configuration. If this is set to yes and a default configuration already exists, there is no action.
If this is set to yes and the default configuration cannot be created because other queue managers already exist, an error is raised.
MIGRATE yes|no Whether to migrate an existing default configuration from a previous version of WebSphere MQ. If this is set to yes and a default configuration does not already exist, there is no action.
ALLOWREMOTEADMIN yes|no Whether to enable remote administration of the queue manager that is created as part of the default configuration. JOINDEFAULTCLUSTER yes|no Whether the default queue manager joins the default cluster. REPOSITORY local|
ip_addressThe location of the default configuration cluster repository. Use computer_name or ip_address if the repository is not on the local machine.
If it is not possible to ping the remote machine, the default configuration is not joined to the cluster, and an error is raised.
For the [SSLMigration] stanza, we can enter parameters in property=value format.
Properties in the SSLMigration stanza Property Values Description SCHEDULE yes|no This property specifies whether SSL migration is to be scheduled. If this property is omitted or set to no, all other properties in this stanza are ignored and no error is raised. QMGRS qmgr_name, qmgr_name, … A comma separated list of queue managers for which certificate transfer to GSKit key database files is scheduled. QMGRPASSWORD password|password, password, … Passwords to use for the GSKit key database files. This property is required if QMGRS is present. If this contains only one password that password will be used for all the queue managers. If it contains more than one password there must be the same number of passwords as there are queue managers specified in QMGRS. QMGREXPIRY interval|interval, interval, … Expiry intervals to set for the passwords used. If nothing is specified, the default value of 60 days is used. If this contains only one value, that value will be used for all queue managers. If it contains more than one value, there must be the same number of expiry intervals as there are queue managers specified in QMGRS.. CLIENTSTORES file_name, file_name, … A comma separated list of the client SSL certificate stores to schedule for transfer to GSKit key database files. CLIENTPASSWORD password|password, password, … Passwords to use for GSKit key database files. This property is rerquired if CLIENTSTORES is present. If this contains only one password, the password will be used for all client stores. If it contains more than one password, there must be the same number of passwords as files given in CLIENTSTORES. CLIENTEXPIRY interval|interval, interval, … Expiry intervals to set for the passwords used. If nothing is specified, the default value of 60 days is used. If this contains only one value, that value will be used for all queue managers. If it contains more than one value, there must be the same number of expiry intervals as there are queue managers specified in CLIENTSTORES. IGNOREERRORS yes|no Whether to continue processing if an error is detected when scheduling the transfer of certificate stores to GSKit key database files. A typical example of a parameter file is:
[MSI] MQPLANGUAGE=1033 MQPLOG=%temp%\MQParms.log MQPSMS=no ADDLOCAL=Server /m miffile REMOVE="" /l*v c:\install.log [Services] USERTYPE=domain DOMAINNAME=mqm*df349edfcab12 USERNAME=mqm*a087ed4b9e9c PASSWORD=mqm*d7eba3463bd0a3 [DefaultConfiguration] CREATE=yes MIGRATE="" ALLOWREMOTEADMIN=yes JONDEFAULTCLUSTER=yes [SSLMigration] SCHEDULE=yes QMGRS="qmgr1,qmgr2" QMGRPASSWORD="password1,password2"
Parent topic:
Using the MQParms command