Install silently using Msiexec with a response file


For an unattended (silent) installation include the /q or /qn parameter when entering Msiexec at the command line. You must also set the AGREETOLICENSE parameter to "yes" for a silent install. To install silently using the Msiexec command, do the following: At the command line enter the Msiexec command in the following format:

Msiexec /i "path\MSI WebSphere MQ.msi" /q USEINI="response_file"



Specifies a silent installation.


Is the full path name of the file that contains the [Response] stanza and the required property=value pairs, for example Response.ini.


Specifies that the installation is in U.S. English. For further information about installing in different national languages, see Using transforms with Msiexec.

We can also specify property=value pairs on the command line (the property must be in upper case), for example:

Msiexec /i "path\MSI WebSphere MQ.msi" /q USEINI="response_file"

If a parameter is specified both on the command line and in the response file, the setting on the command line takes precedence.


Parent topic:

Unattended (silent) installation