Prerequisites for WebSphere MQ features
The following table shows the prerequisite software for running each of the WebSphere MQ features, and also the installation options used to install the features:
Prerequisites and installation options for WebSphere MQ features WebSphere MQ feature Interactive installation option Prerequisites Server
- Typical
- Compact
- Custom
- None
Windows client
- Custom
- None
WebSphere MQ Explorer
- Typical
- Custom
- WebSphere Eclipse Platform V3.0.1
Java™ Messaging and SOAP transport
- Typical
- Custom
- Supported Java Runtime Environment (JRE) V1.4.2 or later
Development Toolkit
- Typical
- Custom
- None
WebSphere MQ Server File Transfer Application
- Custom
- For the command line application: none.
- For the graphical user interface: WebSphere Eclipse Platform Version 3.0.1.
WebSphere MQ Client File Transfer Application
- Custom
- For the command line application: none.
- For the graphical user interface: WebSphere Eclipse Platform Version 3.0.1.
Client Extended Transaction Support
- Custom
- None
Java Extended Transaction Support
- Custom
- None
The File Transfer Application can be installed from the Server CD for either a Client or a Server.
Parent topic:
WebSphere MQ features