Format of broker administration messages
The broker sends administration messages as Publish messages in PCF format. The following parameters are always present:
- PublicationOptions (MQCFIN)
- MQPUBO_RETAIN_PUBLICATION is set if the publication is retained.
- StreamName (MQCFST)
- Set to the reserved stream name 'SYSTEM.BROKER.ADMIN.STREAM'.
- Topic (MQCFST)
- This is one of the following:
- 'MQ/QMgrName/Event/SubscriptionDeregistered'
- 'MQ/QMgrName/Event/StreamDeleted'
- 'MQ/QMgrName/Event/BrokerDeleted'
- 'MQ/QMgrName/StreamSupport'
- 'MQ/QMgrName/Children'
- 'MQ/QMgrName/Parent'
where QMgrName is the queue manager name of the broker sending the message (this is 48 characters long, padded with blanks if necessary).
- PublishTimestamp (MQCFST)
- Set to the time of publication (Universal time).