Here is an example of a NameValueString for a Register Subscriber command message. In the sample application, the results service uses this message to register a subscription to the topics containing the latest scores in all matches, with the 'Publish on Request Only' option set. The subscriber's identity, including the CorrelId, is taken from the defaults in the MQMD.
MQPSCommand RegSub MQPSRegOpts PubOnReqOnly MQPSRegOpts CorrelAsId MQPSStreamName SAMPLE.BROKER.RESULTS.STREAM MQPSTopic Sport/Soccer/State/LatestScore/*Here is the same message using the equivalent decimal registration options:
MQPSCommand RegSub MQPSRegOpts 33 MQPSStreamName SAMPLE.BROKER.RESULTS.STREAM MQPSTopic Sport/Soccer/State/LatestScore/*