Optional parameters
- QueueManagerName
- name:
"MQPSQMgrName" (string constant: MQPS_Q_MGR_NAME)
- value:
- The publisher's queue manager name.
For a message sent by a publisher, if QueueManagerName, is not present, it defaults to the ReplyToQMgr name in the message descriptor (MQMD). If the resulting name is blank, it matches a publisher that registered with a blank queue manager name.
For a message sent by a broker, QueueManagerName is omitted.
- QueueName
- name:
"MQPSQName" (string constant: MQPS_Q_NAME)
- value:
- The publisher's queue name.
For a message sent by a publisher, if QueueName is not present, it defaults to the ReplyToQ name in the message descriptor (MQMD), which must not be blank in this case.
For a message sent by a broker, the QueueName parameter is omitted.
- RegistrationOptions
- name:
"MQPSRegOpts" (string constant: MQPS_REGISTRATION_OPTIONS)
- value:
- The following registration options can be specified:
- (string constant: MQPS_CORREL_ID_AS_IDENTITY, integer constant: MQREGO_CORREL_ID_AS_IDENTITY).
The CorrelId in the MQMD (which must not be zero) is part of the publisher's identity.
- (string constant: MQPS_DEREGISTER_ALL, integer constant: MQREGO_DEREGISTER_ALL)
All topics registered for this publisher are to be deregistered. If this option is set, the Topic parameter must be omitted.
The default if RegistrationOptions is omitted is that no options are set. In this case, the Topic parameter is required.
- StreamName
- name:
"MQPSStreamName" (string constant: MQPS_STREAM_NAME)
- value:
- The name of the publication stream for the specified Topic(s).
- Topic
- name:
"MQPSTopic" (string constant: MQPS_TOPIC)
- value:
- The topic being deregistered. Wildcards are allowed.
IfDeregAll is specified in RegistrationOptions, the Topic parameter must be omitted. Otherwise, it is required, and can optionally be repeated for as many topics as needed.