Subscriber queues
A subscriber queue is the queue where publications for that subscriber are sent. The subscriber specifies the name of the queue when it registers a subscription. If the subscriber is at the same queue manager as the broker, the subscriber's queue name must not be the same as that of the stream. Such a subscription is rejected. Even if the subscriber's and broker's queue managers are different, it is strongly recommended that you use different names for the queues.
If a subscribing application registers multiple subscriptions (for the same or different streams), it can choose whether all Publish command messages are sent to the same queue, or whether Publish command messages for different subscriptions go to different queues.
The queue name, queue manager name and correlation identifier (if one is specified) of a subscriber's queue or a subscription name are used by the broker to identify the subscriber (as described in Publisher and subscriber identity). When the broker publishes information about subscribers, if a subscriber has registered several subscriptions for the same stream that are all to be sent to the same queue, and the subscriptions are not distinguished with different correlation identifiers, the subscriber appears as a single application.
If publications for different subscriptions are sent to different queues, or use a different CorrelId, the broker regards these as being from multiple subscribers (even though the subscriber might be a single application).