Options we can specify when registering as a publisher
When a publisher registers with a broker, it must specify the topics that it is going to publish information about. It can specify the name of more than one topic, but it cannot use wildcards to specify a range of topics.
Queue name
A publisher is required to specify a queue when it registers and also when it issues Publish command messages (unless it specifies the MQPS_NO_REGISTRATION option). This is the queue to which any Request Update command messages sent directly by a subscriber to this publisher are normally sent. The publisher specifies the queue to which any responses from the broker are to be sent using the ReplyToQ and ReplyToQMgr parameters; this queue can also be the publisher's queue.
Selecting a stream
We can specify the name of the stream to which the specified topics apply. If you do not specify this, the SYSTEM.BROKER.DEFAULT.STREAM is assumed.
Publisher identity
The identity of the publisher consists of the name of the queue and queue manager that it uses, as described in Publisher and subscriber identity. We can specify these names when you register as a publisher. If you do not specify these names, the names of the reply-to queue and reply-to queue manager specified in the message descriptor (MQMD) of the command message are used for this instead.
We can also specify that you want to use the correlation identifier in the message descriptor as part of the publisher's identity.
A publisher can register anonymously. In this case its identity is not divulged by the broker, except to subscribers to metatopics that have additional authority (see Authorized metatopics).
Registration scope
If the broker is part of a network, the publisher can specify whether it wants its publications (a) sent to subscribers who have registered local subscriptions on that broker only (a local publication), or (b) distributed to other brokers in the network and sent to all subscribers, including those on that broker, who have registered global subscriptions (a global publication).
Registration expiry
Publisher registrations do not expire, even if you specify a value for Expiry field of the message descriptor. The value you set for Expiry might however cause the command message to expire before it is processed by the broker.