

Matching topic strings



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The wildcard characters recognized by WebSphere MQ Publish/Subscribe are:

* Zero or more characters
? One character

In the example shown in Figure 1, the high-level topic of 'Sport' might be divided into separate topics covering different sports, such as:


These might be divided further, to separate different types of information about each sport, such as:


WebSphere MQ Publish/Subscribe does not recognize that the '/' character is being used in a special way. However, it is recommended that the '/' character is used as a separator to ensure compatibility with other WebSphere business integration functions.

The following topic strings could be used in subscriptions to retrieve particular sets of information:


All information on Sport, Stock, Films and TV.


All information on Soccer, Golf and Tennis.


All information on Soccer (Fixtures, Results and Reports).


All Results for Soccer, Golf and Tennis.

Note that wildcards do not span streams

The percent character '%' is used as an escape character, to allow these characters to be used in a topic string. For example, the string 'ABC%*D' represents the actual topic ABC*D. If the string ABC%*D is specified in a Publish message (where wildcard characters are not allowed), the string could be matched by a subscriber specifying the string ABC?D.

To use a % character in a topic string, specify two percent characters '%%'. A percent character in a string must always be followed by a '*', a '?', or another '%' character.

If wildcard characters are not allowed in a message, a '*' or '?' character can be present only if it is immediately preceded by a '%' character so that the '*' or '?' character loses its wildcard semantics. Therefore, ABC%*D is a valid topic string in a Publish message but ABC*D is not.

