Publish/Subscribe command messages
This chapter describes the name/value pairs that define the parameters needed for the following command messages:
- Delete Publication
- Deregister Publisher
- Deregister Subscriber
- Publish
- Register Publisher
- Register Subscriber
- Request Update
Format of command messages describes how to send these command messages using the Rules and Formatting header.
If you are using the WebSphere MQ Application Messaging Interface (AMI) to communicate with the broker, you don't need to understand all the information in this chapter. The AMI constructs and interprets the RF Header and its name/value pairs (see Using the Application Messaging Interface). However, you might find it useful to read this chapter to see what options are available in each command message. Some of the options are directly accessible through parameters in an AMI function such as amPublish. Others can be accessed using an AMI name/value element helper function such as amMsgGetElement, or a macro such as AmMsgGetStreamName.