Publications forwarded by the broker
This section shows the values set for fields in the MQMD for publications sent by the broker to subscribers.
The fields are set to default values, except the following:
- Report
- Set to MQRO_NONE.
- MsgType
- Expiry
- Set to the value in the Publish message received from the publisher. In the case of a retained message, the time outstanding is reduced by the approximate time the message has been at the broker.
- Format
- MsgId
- Set to MQMI_NONE, so that the queue manager generates a unique value.
- CorrelId
- If CorrelId is part of the subscriber's identity, this is the value specified by the subscriber when registering. Otherwise, it is a non-zero value chosen by the broker.
- Priority
- Set by the publisher or as a resolved value if the publisher specified MQPRI_PRIORITY_AS_Q_DEF.
- Persistence
- Set by the publisher or as a resolved value if the publisher specified MQPER_PERSISTENCE_AS_Q_DEF.
- ReplyToQ
- Set to blanks.
- ReplyToQMgr
- Broker's queue manager name.
- UserIdentifier
- Subscriber's user identifier (as set when the subscriber registered).
- AccountingToken
- Subscriber's accounting token (as set when the subscriber registered).
- ApplIdentityData
- Subscriber's application identity data (as set when the subscriber registered).
- PutApplType
- PutApplName
- Set to the first 28 characters of the broker's queue manager name.
- PutDate
- Timestamp when the broker puts the message.
- PutTime
- Timestamp when the broker puts the message.
- ApplOriginData
- Set to blanks.