Restoring the previous service level


To restore the previous service level:

  1. Before installing maintenance end all WebSphere MQ activity:

    1. Log in as root.

    2. Use the endmqm command to stop all running queue managers.

    3. Stop any listeners associated with the queue managers, using the command:
      endmqlsr -m QMgrName

    4. To check that you have stopped all of them, enter the following:
      ps -ef | grep mq
      Check that there are no processes listed that are running command lines beginning amq or runmq. Ignore any that start with amqi.

  2. Use the swremove command to remove the maintenance package from the system. For example, to remove the maintenance level, use the command:

      swremove MQSERIES,r=

    Make sure that autoselect_dependencies is set to true before you remove any maintenance packages from the system.

    Details of the swremove command can be found in the HP-UX Administration Guide or by using the man swremove command.


Parent topic:

Applying maintenance
