Checking optional software - x86-64 platform




The following compilers are supported for WebSphere MQ for Linux, V6.0.

C applications/C++ applications

COBOL applications

Java™ applications


Transaction Monitors



The following databases are supported:


Java Messaging and SOAP transport

If you want to use Java Messaging and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Support, we need a Java Runtime Environment V1.4.2 or later. An appropriate runtime environment is provided in the JDK provided on the WebSphere MQ Server CD-ROM. See WebSphere MQ Components for package information.

The JDK available on the server CD-ROM is:

This JDK provides support for SOAP and is FIPS 140-2 compliant. The 64-bit version of this JDK is also available on the x86-64 platform.

For a list of alternative JDKs, see

For further information about using Java with WebSphere MQ see, Using Java.

For further information about SOAP see, the WebSphere MQ Transport for SOAP book.

If you use a JDK other than the one supplied by WebSphere MQ V6.0 you should be aware that:


Parent topic:

Checking prerequisite hardware and software
