Modify transaction properties for a server using wsadmin


Using Jacl

### Identify the transaction service MBean for the appserver.

set ts [$AdminControl completeObjectName cell=cell,node=node,process=server,type=TransactionService,*]

### Modify the attributes. 

$AdminControl invoke $ts { \
    { transactionLogDirectory /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog/server}  \
    { clientInactivityTimeout 30}  \
    { totalTranLifetimeTimeout 180} \


Using Jython

### Identify the transaction service MBean for the appserver.

ts = AdminControl.completeObjectName('cell=cell,node=node,process=server,type=TransactionService,*')
print ts

### Modify the attributes. 
AdminControl.invoke(ts, [ \
    ['transactionLogDirectory',  '/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog/server'], \
    ['clientInactivityTimeout', 30],  \
    ['totalTranLifetimeTimeout', 180]])