Show attributes with the AdminConfig object


In the tool, the AdminConfig attributes object displays configuration object types, or object metadata, and does not represent a particular configuration object.

  1. Show simple attributes. Each attribute in a configuration object is represented as a {name value} list.

    Using Jacl...

    $AdminConfig show $myEndPoint {host  port}
    {host myHost} {port 1234}

    Using Jython

    print, ['host', 'port'])
    [host myHost] [port 1234]

    The example configuration object has two attributes. The value of the name attribute is myHost. The value of the port attribute is 1234.

  2. Show attributes with subtypes

    Using Jacl...

    $AdminConfig show $myex8
    {name Halibut} {beast myfish(cells/cell/adocument.xml#FishType_1)}

    Using Jython

    [name Halibut] [beast myfish(cells/cell/adocument.xml#FishType_1)]

    The name of the second attribute displays as beast. The value of beast for this particular ExampleType8 object has type FishType.

  3. Show string list attributes

    Several attributes on various objects have type String*. The String* type is a list of strings. These attributes can represent class paths...

    Using Jacl...

    $AdminConfig show $obj1 classpath
    {classpath c:/mine/one.jar;c:/two.jar;f:/myother/three.jar}

    Using Jython

    print, 'classpath')
    [[classpath c:/mine/one.jar;c:/two.jar;f:/myother/three.jar]]