Security and scripting


Enable has two security related profiles by default that make security configuration easier. These profiles set up procedures that you can call to enable and disable security. The available procedures are...

securityon turns global security on using LocalOS security
securityoff turns global security off
LTPA_LDAPSecurityOn turns LTPA/LDAP global security on using the LDAP user registry
LTPA_LDAPSecurityOff turns LTPA/LDAP global security off

Run "securityon help" or "LTPA_LDAPSecurityOn help" to list required parameters.


Supplying user and password information...

If you enable security for a WAS cell, you need to supply authentication information in order to communicate with servers. You can specify user and password information on the command line using -user and -password, or using the sas.client.props file.

If you are using an RMI connector, set the following properties in sas.client.props:

Change the value of the following property from prompt to properties

If left as "prompt", a dialog box appears with a password prompt. If the script is running unattended, if will appear to hang.

If you are using a SOAP connector, set the following properties in sas.client.props:
T There is no corresponding property for a SOAP connector.

If you specify user and password information on a command line and in the properties file, the command line information will override the information in the properties file.