Update the Web server plug-in configuration files using wsadmin



Regenerate the Web server plug-in configuration file.

Invoke the generate operation on the MBean, passing in the install root directory, configuration root directory, cell name, node name, server name, and output file name. To pass in null as the value of an argument, enter null as given in the example. This is provided for operation that allows null as the value of its argument and processes null differently from an empty string. In this example, both node and server are set to null. The generate operation generates plug-in configuration for all the nodes and servers resided in the cell. The output file plugin-cfg.xml is created in the config root directory.

Modify this example command to generate plug-in configuration for a particular node or server by specifying the node and server names.


Using Jacl

### Identify the Web server plug-in configuration file generator MBean and
### assign it to the pluginGen variable.
set pluginGen [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=PluginCfgGenerator,*]

### Generate the updated plug-in configuration file.

$AdminControl invoke $pluginGen generate \
    "/opt/WebSphere/DeploymentManager /opt/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/config cell null null plugin-cfg.xml"


Using Jython

pluginGen = AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=PluginCfgGenerator,*')
print pluginGen

AdminControl.invoke(pluginGen, 'generate', \
    "/opt/WebSphere/DeploymentManager  /opt/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/config cell null null plugin-cfg.xml")