List configuration objects with wsadmin


Using Jacl

### List of all server configuration objects 
$AdminConfig list Server

### To list all configuration objects of a given type within a scope...
### Obtain the ID of the configuration object to be used as the scope.

### Get a configuration ID for a cell object
set scopeId [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:cell/]

### Get a configuration ID for a node object
set scopeId [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:cell/Node:node/]

### Get a configuration ID for a server object
set scopeId [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:cell/Node:node/Server:server/]

### List the configuration objects within a scope.

set scopeId [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:cell/Node:node/]
set nodeServers [$AdminConfig list Server $scopeId]


Using Jython

print AdminConfig.list('Server')

scopeId = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:cell/')

scopeId = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:cell/Node:node/')

scopeId = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:cell/Node:node/Server:server/')

scopeId = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:cell/Node:node/')
AdminConfig.list('Server', scopeId)