Web server configuration


WAS supports a binary plug-in module for communicating with a Web server. To configure, use the installation wizard or configure manually .

To install a Web server plug-in on the same machine while installing WAS, select the plug-in feature. The installation wizard updates the configuration file for the Web server you identify.

To install the plug-in on a remote Web server machine use the WAS installation wizard to install only the plug-in for the Web server. Clear all other features.

Three files are in Web server configuration:

  1. The Web server configuration file on the Web server, generally httpd.conf, defining where the Web server can locate the plug-in configuration file and the binary plug-in program.

  2. The plug-in configuration file (plugin-cfg.xml) on the appserver. Use the console to generate, then copy the file to the Web server.

  3. The binary plug-in program file, which is copied to the Web server from the appserver. Examples include the mod_ibm_app_server_http.dll file for IBM HTTP Server powered by Apache 1.3 on a Windows platform.

Plug-in binaries for supported servers are located in...


The plug-in configuration file can be found in...


The binary file reads plugin-cfg.xml and retrieves appserver configuration parameters, such as cluster members and deployed applications.

The Web server configuration file is installed as part of the Web server you install. It must have entries to identify the locations of the WAS binary plug-in file and the plugin-cfg.xml configuration file, for every appserver that hosts applications that the Web server accesses.

The installation wizard configures the file if you install the plug-in on the Web server machine. You have to remove the old entries manually. You can also add the current entries manually, if necessary.