
Servlet caching config settings.


Attributes Summary

propertiesGroupName String name for the group of servlets or JavaServer Pages (JSP) files to cache.
timeout Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that a created cache entry remains in the cache.
priority Defines the default priority for cached servlets.
invalidateOnly Specifies that invalidations for a servlet take place, but that no servlet caching is performed.
externalCacheGroups Specifies the names of the servlets or JSP files to cache.
idGenerator A class which allows application developers to build and plug in their own Id Generators.
metadataGenerator A class which allows application developers to build and plug in their own MetaData Generators.
cachedServlets List of servlets/JSPs to which these caching properties apply.
idGeneration Id generation properties for this cache config.


Attribute Details


String name for the group of servlets or JavaServer Pages (JSP) files to cache.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that a created cache entry remains in the cache. When this time elapses, the entry is removed from the cache. If the timeout is zero or a negative number, the entry does not time out. It is removed when the cache is full or programmatically, from within an application.

Data type:   Integer
Default value:   0


Defines the default priority for cached servlets. Specify as an integer. The default value is 1. Priority is an extension of the Least Recently Used (LRU) caching algorithm. It represents the number of cycles through the LRU algorithm that an entry is guaranteed to stay in the cache. The priority represents the length of time that an entry remains in the cache before becoming eligible for removal. On each cycle of the algorithm, the priority of an entry is decremented. When the priority reaches zero, the entry is eligible for invalidation. If an entry is requested while in the cache, its priority is reset to the priority value. Regardless of the priority value and the number of requests, an entry is invalidated when its timeout occurs. Consider increasing the priority of a servlet or JSP file when it is difficult to calculate the output of the servlet or JSP file or when the servlet or JSP file is executed more often than average. Priority values should be low. Higher values do not yield much improvement but use extra LRU cycles. Use timeout to guarantee the validity of an entry. Use priority to rank the relative importance of one entry to other entries. Giving all entries equal priority results in a standard LRU cache that increases performance significantly.

Data type:   Integer
Default value:   1


Specifies that invalidations for a servlet take place, but that no servlet caching is performed. For example, you can use this property to prevent caching of control servlets. Control servlets treat HTTP requests as commands and execute those commands. By default, this not enabled.

Data type:   Boolean
Default value:   false


Specifies the names of the servlets or JSP files to cache. The URIs are determined from the servlet mappings.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


A class which allows application developers to build and plug in their own Id Generators.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


A class which allows application developers to build and plug in their own MetaData Generators.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


List of servlets/JSPs to which these caching properties apply.

Data type:  Servlet


Id generation properties for this cache config.

Data type:  CacheEntryIDGeneration