VariableSubstitutionEntry defines the variable name (symbolicName) that can be used to represent the real value any where within the scope of the variable map. For instance, the symbolic name "${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}" can be used to represent the real value "/home/mydir/was50" in any config document within the scope of the variables.xml file in which this VariableSubstitutionEntry is defined.
Attributes Summary
symbolicName The symbolic name representing a physical path or URL root. value The absolute path which the symbolic name represents. description A description of what this symbolic root signifies.
Attribute Details
The symbolic name representing a physical path or URL root. This pathname will get substituted into path names configured in the system.For example on windows, "CONFIG_ROOT"
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
The absolute path which the symbolic name represents.For example on windows, "C:\WebSphere\AppServer\Config"
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
A description of what this symbolic root signifies.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified